AOL's Picture This!
AOL's Picture This!.iso
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Picture This! ReadMe File
Welcome to America Online's Picture This! interactive CD-ROM. This
document contains technical and user information regarding the
software on this CD-ROM. Please take a moment to read and print
this document.
Please exit all programs (including all virus protection programs),
reboot your computer and place your AOL Picture This! CD-ROM in the
appropriate drive. Accessing the AOL Picture This! is easy. The
CD-ROM has an autolauncher, so it will run automatically.
Note: The Picture This! CD-ROM suite of products is for Windows
95/98 systems only.
All programs can be installed from the interactive portion of the
CD-ROM by selecting a program, then click on the "CLICK HERE TO
INSTALL" which is located on the mouse. Next, please read the
information on the computer monitor on the right of the screen then
click on the "CONTINUE TO INSTALL PROGRAM" button.
Or, you can manually install the programs directly from the CD.
Close all other programs prior to installation.
Manual Installation:
Please note: In order to do a manual installation of any program
on the CD it must already be in the CD-ROM drive. If you place the
CD in the drive it will automatically launch and you will need to
exit and then follow these instructions.
Step 1 Make sure the Picture This! CD-ROM is in the CD-ROM drive.
Step 2 Double-click on the My Computer icon.
Step 3 Right mouse click on the Picture This! CD-ROM icon,
choose "Open".
Step 4 Double-click on the Media folder.
Step 5 Double-click on the Products folder.
Step 6 Double-click on the desired program folder.
Step 7 Double-click on SETUP.EXE.
Note: Not every program uses the file name Setup.exe. In these
cases, there is usually only one file in the folder with and .EXE
extension. Double-click on the file with the .EXE extension to
Step 8 Follow the onscreen prompts to complete installing the
program for Win 95/98.
Legal Notes:
This CD-ROM product is provided "AS IS" and without warranty of any
kind whatsoever. Avant Digital Marketing, Inc. and Cosus
Interactive, L.C. expressly disclaim all warranties, expressed or
implied, and shall not under any circumstances be liable for
damages resulting from the use or inability to use this CD-ROM as
described herein.
Warning: Unless you have express written permission, it is a
violation of United States copyright law: to use this product in
any manner other than as an integrated presentation; to copy,
photograph, transcribe, reverse engineer, disassemble, sample or
otherwise record in any manner the product, including; or to
synchronize or otherwise combine this product or any portion (no
matter how small) of this product with any other material of any
kind. QuickTime is a trademark of Apple Computer, Inc. MacroMedia
Director is a registered trademark of Macromedia, Inc. All rights
reserved. All other product names are registered trademarks of
their respective holders.
This CD-ROM was produced by Avant Digital Marketing, Inc. and
Cosus Interactive, L.C.
Portions ⌐ 1999 - America Online, Inc.
Portions ⌐ 1999 - Avant Digital Marketing, Inc.
Portions ⌐ 1999 - Cosus Interactive, L.C.